Robert BriggsFather (deceased)

Bette BriggsMother (deceased)

Christa WhiteDaughter

Glen WhiteSon-in-law

Danielle PopeDaughter

Alton PopeSon-in-law

Elizabeth EspinosaDaughter

Andres EspinosaSon-in-law

Bailey WhiteGrandchild

Bryce WhiteGrandchild

Cade PopeGrandchild

Cassandra PopeGrandchild

Dominic EspinosaGrandchild

Dante EspinosaGrandchild

Sophie EspinosaGrandchild

Alexa EspinosaGrandchild

Christine BrunerSister

Kathy StewartSister

Darlene "Debby" Winker leaves behind many beautiful memories, and will be deeply missed by her many friends and family.

Past Services

Thursday,September 19, 2019


Thursday,September 19, 2019

Memorial Service