Mami was born on March 8, 1936 in Mexico to the late Camilo and Silveria Perez.
She loved going to high school football and softball games, family road trips, watching novelas and gardening. Mami was involved with each daughter's extra curricular activities throughout their school years. She volunteered her time at Moody High School - Sesame Street Club for her grandchildren.
In her younger years, she did a lot of traveling with her husband and often would go to Mexico to visit her family. For so many her presence alone was the light of making a great day even brighter. Her life revolved around her grandchildren and her world would light up at the presence of her only great granddaughter. She endlessly devoted her life to her family.
Mami was a stay at home mom and had a gentle soul. She loved the Dallas Cowboys and the Texas Longhorns. Mami was a sweet, warm, soft, delicate and gentle lady. We loved her delicacy and tenderness. She welcomed everyone into her home with open arms.
To many she was known as “Mami” and she was also known as “Mí Madrina” to numerous godchildren. Her trademark was to always be classy and be lady-like.
She is preceded in death by her parents, her loving husband of 53 years, Silvestre A. Rios; grandson, Luis Adan; numerous sisters and one brother.
She leaves behind her three beautiful daughters to cherish her memories, Sylvia, Iliana (Hector), Lilly (Luis); grandchildren (her pride and joy), Adrian Christopher (Selena), Flor Silvestre, Brianna Marie, Erika Marie, Serena Viannay, Hector Robert and Rachelle; and great granddaughter, Aliyah Rayne; one sister, Victoria P. Gonzalez, numerous sisters and brothers in laws, nieces, nephews and extended family.
Visitation will be held on Friday, March 19, 2021 from 4:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. at Memory Gardens Funeral Home Chapel, 8200 Old Brownsville Rd. Corpus Christi, TX with a Holy Rosary to be recited at 7:00 p.m. that same evening.
Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, March 20, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, 5830 Williams Dr. Corpus Christi, TX with interment to follow at Memory Gardens Cemetery.
Con un inmenso corazón apesadumbrado Dios tomó lo que nos dejó tener por unos hermosos 85 años, Nuestra reina Mami, San Juanita P. Ríos fue a estar con nuestro Padre celestial el sábado 13 de marzo de 2021.
Mami nació el 8 de marzo de 1936 en México de los difuntos Camilo y Silveria Pérez.
Le encantaba ir al fútbol y los juegos de softbol de la escuela secundaria, los viajes familiares por carretera, ver novelas y la jardinería. Mami participó en las actividades extracurriculares de cada hija durante sus años escolares. Ofreció su tiempo en Moody High School - Sesame Street Club para sus nietos.
En su juventud, viajaba mucho con su esposo y con frecuencia iba a México para visitar a su familia. Para muchos, su sola presencia fue la luz para hacer que un gran día fuera aún más brillante. Su vida giraba en torno a sus nietos y su mundo se iluminaría con la presencia de su única bisnieta. Dedicó su vida sin cesar a su familia.
Mami era una ama de casa y tenía un alma gentil. Amaba a los Dallas Cowboys y los Texas Longhorns. Mami era una dama dulce, cálida, suave, delicada y gentil. Nos encantó su delicadeza y ternura. Dio la bienvenida a todos a su casa con los brazos abiertos.
Para muchos era conocida como “Mami” y también era conocida como “Mí Madrina” por numerosos ahijados. Su marca registrada era siempre tener clase y ser como una dama.
Le anteceden en la muerte sus padres, su amado esposo durante 53 años, Silvestre A. Ríos; nieto, Luis Adán; numerosas hermanas y un hermano.
Deja atrás a sus tres hermosas hijas para que atesoren sus recuerdos, Sylvia, Iliana (Héctor), Lilly (Luis); nietos (su orgullo y alegría), Adrian Christopher (Selena), Flor Silvestre, Brianna Marie, Erika Marie, Serena Viannay, Hector Robert y Rachelle; y bisnieta, Aliyah Rayne; una hermana, Victoria P. González, numerosas hermanas y cuñados, sobrinas, sobrinos y familia extendida.
El velorio se llevará a cabo el viernes 19 de marzo de 2021 a partir de las 4:00 p.m. hasta las 9:00 p.m. en la capilla de la funeraria Memory Gardens, 8200 Old Brownsville Rd. Corpus Christi, TX con un Santo Rosario que se rezará a las 7:00 p.m. esa misma noche.
La misa fúnebre se celebrará el sábado 20 de marzo de 2021 a las 2:00 p.m. en la Iglesia Católica Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 5830 Williams Dr. Corpus Christi, TX, con el entierro en el cementerio Memory Gardens.
Camilo and Silveria PerezParents (deceased)
Silvestre A. RiosHusband (deceased)
Luis AdanGrandson (deceased)
Sylvia Rios ElizondoDaughter
Iliana (Hector) PedrazaDaughter
Lilly (Luis) GonzalezDaughter
Adrian Christopher (Selena)Grandson
Flor SilvestreGrand Daughter
Brianna MarieGrand Daughter
Erika MarieGrand Daughter
Serena ViannayGrand Daughter
Aliyah RayneGreat Granddaughter
Adrian Christopher GonzalesPallbearer
Luis GonzalezPallbearer
Hector PedrazaPallbearer
Rogelio P. Corpus Pallbearer
Rafael CortezPallbearer
Nicholas King Pallbearer