Juan Manuel Garcia, age 60, passed away Saturday, February 4, 2023, with his family at his bedside. He earned his wings after a courageous battle with Bladder Cancer. Juan Manuel was born in Corpus Christi, Texas on October 16, 1962, to the late Antonio Garza Garcia and Aurora Cano Garcia who precede him.
Juan Manuel graduated from Foy Moody High School in 1982. He became employed in April 1989 by the City of CC Parks and Recreation Department, as Events Coordinator at Heritage Park and worked there for 29 years until his retirement in February 2019. Soon after, he received the news that he has Bladder Cancer, he spent the next four years fighting vigilantly for his beloved son John Anthony and his wife Carmen. Juan Manuel and Carmen Mora married on October 20, 2001, and in April of 2012, they welcome their son John Anthony. John Anthony was his Daddy’s heart and soul, everything Juan Manuel did in life was for his family especially and wholeheartedly for his son.
Juan Manuel is preceded by his parents, his eldest brother Jose Luis Garcia. His maternal grandparents, Gervacio Polanco Cano and Micaela Salazar Cano, his paternal grandparents Guadalupe Garcia and Petra Garza Garcia. His parents in law, Alvaro Mora and Evarista Reyna Mora, a brother-in-law, Elvaro Mora Reyna. Numerous Aunts and Uncles, especially his maternal Aunt Hermelinda Cano Arce and his maternal Uncle Amado Cano.
Juan Manuel is survived by his wife of 21 years, Carmen Mora de Garcia, and his 10-year-old son, John Anthony Garcia. His brothers Tony Garcia of Austin, Tx., Jesse (Terry) Garcia of Suisun, CA., Joe Patrick Garcia, Eddie Garcia, and Jerry Garcia all of Corpus Christi, Tx. His sisters, Irma (Joel) San Miguel of Corpus Christi, Josie (Nick) Bartley of Sioux Rapids, IA. His material Uncles Eleuterio (Rosa) Cano of Corpus Christi, Victor Cano of Universal City, Tx., Roy Arce, and Juanita De La Garza of Santa Rosa, Tx. Numerous nieces and nephews, cousins, sister in laws, and friends who loved him dearly. He is also survived by his sister in-law, Gloria M. Cantu of Corpus Christi, Tx and brother-in-law Evaritso Mora of Monterey N.L. México.
We would like to express our sincere and extreme gratitude to the Dr. Aririguzo Jude and the entire nursing staff at Post Acute Medical Specialty Hospital at Spohn Shoreline for the loving care given to our brother these past few months. To Dr. Ajay Sehgal and staff at the Coastal Bend Cancer Center and especially to Dr. Dharam Kaushik at UT Health & Research Center San Antonio-Urology for his expertise and care. To Christus Home Care, who provided home health services. I was blessed with the privilege of caring for you from the start, I kept my promised to Mom and held your hand until you decided to leave this earth. I will miss you dearly, there is a piece of our heart that went with you. Loving you forever Irma, Josie, and your brothers.
Juan Manuel Garcia, de 60 años, falleció con su familia junto a su cama. se ganó sus alas después de una valiente batalla contra el cáncer de vejiga el sábado 4 de febrero de 2023. Juan Manuel nació en Corpus Christi, Texas el 16 de octubre de 1963, hijo de Antonio Garza Garcia y Aurora Cano Garcia que lo precedieron.
Juan Manuel se graduó de Foy Moody High School en 1982. Fue empleado por el Departamento de Parques y Recreación de la Ciudad de Corpus Christi y Coordinador de Eventos en Heritage Park en abril de 1989, trabajó allí durante 29 años antes de retirarce en febrero de 2019. Poco después de recibir la noticia de que tiene cáncer de vejiga, pasó los siguientes cuatro años luchando vigilantemente por su amado hijo John Anthony y su esposa Carmen. Juan Manuel se casó con Carmen Mora el 20 de octubre de 2001, y en abril de 2012, dan la bienvenida a su hijo John Anthony. John Anthony fue el corazón y el único de la vida de Juan Manuel. Todo lo que Juan Manuel hizo en la vida fue por su familia especialmente y de todo corazón por su hijo.John Anthony.
Manuel es precedido por sus padres, su hermano mayor José Luis Garcia. Sus abuelos maternos, Gervacio Polanco Cano y Micaela Salazar Cano. Sus abuelos paternos Guadalupe Garcia y Petra Garza Garcia. Sus suegros, Álvaro Mora y Evarista Reyna Mora, un cuñado, Alvaro Mora Reyna. Su tías y tíos maternas especialmente Hermelinda Cano Arce y Amado Cano.
A Juan Manuel le sobreviven su esposa de 21 años, Carmen Mora de Garcia, y su hijo de 10 años, John Anthony Garcia. Sus hermanos Tony Garcia de Austin, Tx., Jesse (Terry) Garcia de Suisun, CA., Joe Patrick Garcia, Eddie Garcia y Jerry Garcia todos de Corpus Christi, Tx. Sus hermanas, Irma (Joel) San Miguel de Corpus Christi, Josie (Nick) Bartley de Sioux Rapids, IA. Sus tíos maternas Eleuterio (Rosa) Cano de Corpus Christi, Victor Cano de Universal City, Tx., Roy Arce, y Juanita De La Garza de Santa Rosa, Tx. Numerosas sobrinas y sobrinos, primos, cuñadas y amigos que lo querían entrañablemente. También le sobreviven su cuñada, Gloria M. Cantú de Corpus Christi, Tx y su cuñado Evaritso Mora de Monterey N.L. México.
Nos gustaría expresar nuestra sincera y extrema gratitud al Dr. Aririguzo Jude y a todo el personal de enfermería del Post Acute Medical Specialty Hospital en Spohn Shoreline por el amoroso cuidado brindado a nuestro hermano en los últimos meses. Al Dr. Ajay Sehgal y al personal del Coastal Bend Cancer Center y especialmente al Dr. Dharam Kaushik del UT Health & Research Center San Antonio-Urology por su experiencia y atención. Al personal, de Christus Home Care que proporcionaron servicios de salud en el hogar.
Manuel, fui bendecido con el privilegio de cuidarte desde el principio, cumplí mi promesa a nuestra mama y sustuve tu mano hasta el final. Te extrañaré mucho, hay un pedazo de nuestro corazón que se fue contigo. Amándote para siempre, Irma, Josie y tu hermanos.
A visitation for Juan will be held Monday, February 13, 2023 from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM at Funeraria Del Angel - Memorial Holly, 3442 Holly Rd, Corpus Christi, Texas 78415. A vigil service and rosary will occur Monday, February 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM, 3442 Holly Rd, Corpus Christi, Texas 78415. A mass of christian burial will occur Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 10:00 AM at Ss Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church, 3210 S Padre Island Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas 78415. An interment will occur Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at Rose Hill Memorial Park, 2731 Comanche St, Corpus Christi, Texas 78408.
Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at www.FunerariaDelAngelMHolly.com for the Garcia family.