Michael Sven Popov
The son of Steven and Karen Popov and the brother of Nicholas Popov
Best friend of the Lilac Crown Parrot named Crackers
born on 4/6/1988
Early in the second year of his life he was diagnosed as being severely handicapped
His parents were told to find a medical facility for him because he would be mentally and physically incapable.
Wrong by a long shot.
He was later diagnosed to have cerebral palsy
CP was used as a catch-all diagnoses when they couldn't figure out the exact problem.
Later that year Jackie Roberts, his caretaker, noticed that Mikes stomach was distended
Michael was taken to Kaiser Lakeview and later sent to Children's hospital in Los Angeles
Just before he was 3 years he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (a cancer of the lymph system)
After years of fighting this disease, with the help of his oncologist Dr. Ruki, he won.
Michael still worked, fighting the CP, going to physical therapy and taking special classes.
During his education he attended many of the schools in the Newport-Mesa School district.
The main schools were Harbor View Elementary, Kaiser Elementary, Ensign Intermediate and Newport Harbor High School
The teachers throughout his educational career were exemplary
He loved them and his fellow students.
In sixth grade he met his lifelong friend Shane Cervantes
He continued to fight the effects of cerebral palsy,
During this time he had several operations, including operations on his feet in order to help him walk
He proved the diagnoses that he would be mentally incapable wrong.
His memory was amazing, He solved problems the rest of us couldn't,
If anything was lost he was the person to find it.
His Judgment was sound and he was good at analytical thinking.
He never thought of himself as handicapped - he just thought of himself as someone with some medical problems
He enjoyed many activities,
He belonged to a chess club
He played AYSO Soccer
He loved to shoot hoops
He played baseball
He enjoyed ice skating
He liked to bowl
He was involved in boy scouts
He tried his hand at art
He was proficient working with computers
He enjoyed playing computer games with his friends
He was a great photographer
He enjoyed movies, he even started studying Chinese because of its use in the movie Serenity
He has several collections
knives and swords
pez dispensers
sports cards
At the end of eighth grade he auditioned for and was selected to be the master of ceremonies of the Honor Awards
He was nervous but he did a great job
High school was a somewhat difficult adjustment but by the time he was a senior he really developed a lot and felt better about himself
thanks to his teachers and friends.
After high school
he went to golden west college part time, once again it took him a little while to adjust but then started succeeding there
During this time he started working on his writing
He started doing Yoga regularly
He developed an interest in gaming at games workshops
He also practiced Hisardut, an Israeli Martial Arts.
By this time he was successfully handling the family finances
On September 9, 2009 he went to the doctor because of a cough
The doctor took some tests and sent him to the hospital for reasons that had nothing to do with the cough
On September 13, 2009 with no prior symptoms he was diagnosed with 4th stage colon cancer.
This is almost unheard of at Mike's age of 22,
The oncologist told him that he had perhaps 2 years to live.
Mike and his family refused to believe that there was no hope, despite the doctors continually stating that there was none.
Mike fought the cancer through chemo, always believing in the future.
The Chemo treatments did not work and Mike decided to fight the disease anyway
He was still planning his future a week before he died.
He was planning to move to Seattle
Mike always believed that there was a future for him
He handled the pain with strength and courage.
Michael felt that his body betrayed him
The day before Thanksgiving, Wednesday 24, 2010 at 11:00 am Michael died.
He was fiercely independent, in almost every way possible
Every time he went to the doctors we could here them saying "That' Interesting"
Michael loved sports, he tried to play but always followed sports on television.