Charlie and Diane PattersonLoving Parents

Chad Patterson and his wife ElizabethBrother and Sister-in-law

Joshua Patterson and wife KateNephew and Wife

Arielle PattersonGrand Niece

Joshua PattersonGrand Nephew

Jessie PattersonNiece

Thomas Patterson and his wife PatUncle and Aunt

Clara Nell PattersonAunt

Sue Patton and husband ToddAunt and Uncle

Thomas PattersonCousin

Patsy PattersonCousin

Rev. John and Lisa CrowderCousin and wife

Phil and Julie Patterson,Cousin and wife

Jeff and Gina PattersonCousin and wife

Eloy and Allison SilvasCousin and wife

John and Julie Patton.Cousin and wife

Past Services

Saturday,March 12, 2022

Celebration of Life