Julie GoberLoving wife of 41 years
Jou Dauzat and husband BrentDaughter
Josh Gober and wife MarieSon
Oscar Gober III and wife DebbyBrother
Shirley HutsenMom
Ted Hutsen and wife LannaBrother
Keith HutsenBrother
Jeanne Kurtz and husband JimmySister
Shelby GoberGrandchild
Jacob GoberGrandchild
Aiden GoberGrandchild
Peyton DauzatGrandchild
Hannah DauzatGrandchild
Oscar Gober IIFather (deceased)
Leona FieldsMother (deceased)
Edmond RobisonBrother (deceased)
Cricket FriarSister (deceased)
Charles HutsenFather by marriage (deceased)
Liam Austin DauzatGrandchild (deceased)
Numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and a host of friends.
Josh Gober
Brent Dauzat
Ted Hutsen
Oscar Gober III
Oscar Gober IV
Drew Garza
Jacob Gober
Aiden Gober
Peyton DauzatHonorary