Brian David Ford died unexpectedly at home on February 1, 2017. He leaves behind a hole that no one could ever fill.
He was born in Worcester, MA in September 1968, the fifth of six children, to Robert and Margorie Ford. He was full of life and laughter, loved to be around his friends and to game. He is survived by his wife, Valerie; his sister, Paula, and brothers Bill and Shawn; his nieces Tracey, Meagan, Amy, Alicia, Lily and Kaylee ; his nephews Shawn Jr, Shannon, and Patrick; and his grand-nieces and nephews. In addition, he leaves behind a legion of friends that he considered family as well, and his two cats, Bear and Tayla.
Brian loved history, and people, and gaming. As Lord Argus Erikkson of the Seven Hills, he served the Barony of Stonemarche faithfully as chatelaine (welcoming newcomers to the Society of Creative Anachronism), even after he'd stepped down from the official position. So many remember their first introduction to the society at the hands of Argus and his giant tankard (“the wife says I can only have one drink,” he'd say, and wink). He loved bardics and would whip up a new song given an idea and about 30 minutes.
He loved Godzilla, and Babylon 5, and all sorts of science fiction and gaming. He was a Battletech geek, loved to play Dungeons & Dragons, and read incessantly. He introduced me to World of Warcraft, and Pitch Perfect. His favorite movie was The Cutting Edge.
He was my best friend, and I don't know what I'm going to do without him now.
Calling hours will be on Thursday, February 9, from 4 pm to 7 pm. at the Bennett Funeral Home, 209 N. Main St. Concord, NH. A funeral service will be held on Thursday, February 9, at 7 pm at Bennett Funeral Home. The reception will be at the Mansion at the Kimball-Jenkins School of Art on Thursday, February 9, at 8 pm.