Robert Charles “Bob” Reynolds, born January 19, 1943, in Chicago, Illinois, died peacefully at home on June 18, 2022, surrounded by his beloved family. Preceded in death by his father, Lowell Robert Reynolds, and mother Cleola Catherine Reynolds, and wife Pamala June Bobo, Bob leaves behind a daughters Charmian (Benziger) and Eva-Marie (Winter), grandchildren Malikye, Charlotte, and Evelyn Winter, brothers Bruce and Peter, loving companion Holly Papaleonardos, and other friends and relatives whose lives were touched by his extraordinary life.
Bob received a PhD in Astronomy from The Ohio State University in 1979 and dedicated his career to expanding our understanding of our solar system. Throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s, Bob worked with NASA to develop safety standards and guidelines regarding orbital debris ('space junk’) and helped implement these international guidelines. After leaving NASA, he developed advanced radar systems and technologies, leading a team of engineers and physicists in this emerging field.
In honor of Bob's life, consider donating to his favorite charity in lieu of flowers: St. Jude's Children's Hospital.
Bob’s life will be celebrated with a visitation from 12:00-2:00 pm on Sunday, June 26th, at Schoedinger Funeral Home, 5554 Karl Road, Columbus OH 43229.