Richard (Dick) Shipston passed away August 27, 2020 at Ohio State Wexner Medical Center after complications from a year long battle with cancer. He knew what lay ahead of him and did his very best to make that journey as long as possible. Never long enough for him or us. It had been going so well, that he had actually planned on buying a new RV and traveling to visit his friends and the State and National Parks that he hadn’t visited before.
He leaves behind his Sister Judy (Joe) Keener of Worthington, Niece Beth (John) Laflumboise (Joey & Samantha) of Westerville, Nephews Matt (Jadranka) Keener (Naomi) of Seattle, WA and Alan (Daria) Keener (Maya & Evie) of San Diego, CA.
He was not only loved by these people but by many, many friends from years ago, new friends and co-workers who became friends. Everyone will miss his zest for live, his sense of humor, his love for his dogs, him always looking for a deal, his love of building and tinkering with anything mechanical at home or at work, the way he accepted everyone as equal and how much he gave back to everyone he knew.
Dick’s main purpose in Life was to save the earth. He not only contributed to many Environmental Groups, but lived each day recycling everything he could and saving or repairing anything else that he could for himself or others. As you think of him, honor him by doing something good and kind to his earth. He would be so happy to know you heard him and acted on it.
Dick was dedicated to voting, so any election and especially the one coming up, was important to him. He said if you didn’t vote, then you had no right to complain. He wrote consistently over the years to all the elected officials in his city, county, state and Country. He felt strongly that they should know how Each citizen felt—good and bad—and gave suggestions on how to work on all the problems on each persons’ plate.
He was a lifelong learner. He loved to share stories of his life and anything he had learned along the way. He volunteered to help anyone who needed something built, individuals or groups. We will all get together in a year’s time in Florida, near Dick’s home, and share our stories of what we remember of him. It will be a wonderful celebration of his life.
Thanks to everyone who loved and cared for him over the years. Dick knew and felt your love and appreciated it.