Katelyn Marie Muncy-Feyh (Couch), born on August 3, 1993 in Columbus Ohio unexpectedly gained her angel wings on February 10, 2022. Katelyn (Katie) was determined, loving, and loyal. She enjoyed hosting friends and family and spending time with her husband and their six cat children. “Don’t judge me” Katelyn would say. She spoke her mind and made herself known. She will be greatly missed. Proceeded in death by her grandparents Gerald and Mary Feyh, great grandparents June and Thurman Muncy, great grandparents Jacqueline Coyne and Abe DeNight. She is survived by her husband Mikey Couch, parents Steph and Brian Feyh, brother Michael Muncy-Feyh, grandparents Pat and Steve Muncy, aunt Julie Muncy- Foster, cousins Madeline and Emrie Foster, nephew Gavin, and Averi. In addition, She is survived by many more friends and family who will miss her dearly.