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George Washington CockrellFather (deceased)

Annie Pearl Cummings CockrellMother (deceased)

Clyde RobertsHusband of 61 Years (deceased)

Alma MurphySister (deceased)

Bruce SmithBrother-in-Law (deceased)

Gerald VowellBrother-in-Law (deceased)

Chris (Gail) RobertsSon

Cheryl RobertsDaughter

Charles RobertsGrandchild

Clarke (Amy) RobertsGrandchild

Somer (Heath) VenableGrandchild

John Michael WiggsGrandchild

Elizabeth Michelle (Troy New) WrightGrandchild

Sherry SmithSister

Carla VowellSister-in-Law

Connie LangguthSister-in-Law

Mrs. Roberts also leaves behind ten great grandchildren, six nieces and nephews and a host of extended relatives along with many friends to cherish her loving memory.

Past Services

Tuesday,February 05, 2019

Visitation of family and friends

Wednesday,February 06, 2019

Funeral Service