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Mildred and Vernon DormanParents (deceased)

Reverend Otho Lee CooleyBeloved Husband (deceased)

Thomas CooleyBrother in-law (deceased)

Laura Durham (John Durham)Niece (deceased)

Elizabeth Gail Sheppard (Scott)Daughter

Rebecca Lee Sizemore (Thomas)Daughter

Kaitlin Camlic (Justin)Granddaughter

Cara Calderon-Calero (Bismarck)Granddaughter

Juliet Rose CalderonGreat Granddaughter

Marylin Elaine Dixon (Delbert)Sister

Justin DurhamGreat Nephew

Colin DurhamGreat Nephew

Ronda Dixon and familyNiece

Danny Dixon and FamilyNephew

Robert RepoloSon of her Heart

Valarie CooleySister-in-law

Shannon Cooley and FamilyNephew

Reverend Janice is also survived by other family members and a host of brothers and sisters in Christ.

Past Services

Friday,June 04, 2021

Visitation for Family and Friends

Friday,June 04, 2021

A Celebration of Janice's Life