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Wilfred E. “Bubber” Gross, Jr.Husband of 58 years (deceased)

Mary and Duncan ChapmanParents (deceased)

Robert C. Chapman (Tallulah)Brother (deceased)

Robert E. Gross (Charlene)Son

Mary Carter Wright (Ricky)Daughter

William D. Gross (Melanie)Son

Wilfred Bailey GrossSon

Wry Wright (Julie)Grandchild

Will WrightGrandchild

Wesley Fordham (Richie)Grandchild

Mailey Gaylor (Winn)Grandchild

Mitchell GrossGrandchild

Eliza GrossGrandchild

Rosemary GrossGrandchild

Evan Gross (Amy)Grandchild

Abi Haines (Todd)Grandchild

Caleb Gross (Jenna)Grandchild

Becca GrossGrandchild

Mershon Cummings (Doug)Niece

Mrs. Gross also leaves behind eleven great grandchildren.


First Baptist Church Music Ministry212 12th Street, Columbus, Georgia

International Friendship Ministries2308 Hilton Avenue, Columbus, Georgia

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship P.O. Box 7895, Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7895

Columbus Hospice

Past Services

Monday,March 27, 2023

Celebration of Life Service