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John Tilton Allen and Minnie Cecelia GiglioParents (deceased)

Betty Sue Thompson AllenWife (deceased)

John Tilton Allen, Jr.Brother (deceased)

Julius Marvin AllenBrother (deceased)

Norman Divino AllenBrother (deceased)

Bessie Allen ParkerSister (deceased)

Frances Allen Jackson SamsSister (deceased)

Brick Michael CampbellGreat Grandson (deceased)

Lynne Allen TateDaughter

Janet Leigh Van ZantDaughter

Lindsey Rae CampbellGrandchild

Martha Grayson Moss (Wade)Grandchild

Allen Michael Tate (Ashley)Grandchild

Beau Michael CampbellGreat Grandchild

Allen Lee TateGreat Grandchild

Anthony Joseph TateGreat Grandchild

Margaret Thompson MossGreat Grandchild

Past Services

Friday,February 18, 2022

A Rosary and Visitation

Saturday,March 19, 2022

A Funeral Mass