Beloved son of the late Joe R. Grantham, father, and Elizabeth Katherine Grantham (Brewer), mother. Adored husband of the late Candace Sue Grantham (McChesney), and father of the late James Michael Grantham. He is survived by sister, Kathy (Grantham) Phillips, and daughter, Sarah A Grantham.
Larry graduated from the University of Missouri with an MA in 1983 under the advisement of Dr. W. Raymond Wood, who became a treasured lifelong mentor and friend. He had an extensive and prolific career as a renowned Missouri archaeologist and preservationist throughout five decades for the University of Missouri Columbia, Truman State University, Missouri State Parks, of which he was most proud, Missouri Department of Transportation, and Gauss Archaeology. He was a proud member of the Society for American Archaeology and the Missouri Archaeological Society, among other numerous professional societies. Larry enjoyed discussing and teaching archaeology to the public as well as mentoring young archaeologists. He leaves a deep and lasting impact on close friend and colleague Christopher Koenig.
Along with his passion for archeology, Larry enjoyed many adventures traveling with his daughter, dining at fine restaurants, and appreciating a good gin and tonic.
A graveside celebration of his life will be held on Friday, July 10, 2020 at 2 p.m. at Memorial Park Cemetery, 1217 Business Loop 70 W, Columbia, MO 65202. In keeping with the guideline put forth by the Boone County Heath Director, we ask anyone attending to keep social distancing (six feet apart), cough into your sleeve, and wash and sanitize your hands often. We would also strongly encourage all guests to wear a face mask.
In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Archeologist Conservancy at: