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Survivors include: his wife of 70 years, Lonetta Johnson. Three daughters, Deborah Goller and husband Don of Hedgesville, WV., (Three grandchildren: Summer, Alyssa and Jon and seven great-grandchildren) Tina Blanck and husband Mark of Kansas City, MO (Four grandchildren: Mark Jr., Jillian, Aaron and Jaclyn and great-grand daughter Marie); Leah Johnson and husband Jim of Columbia, MO. (Two grandsons: Riley and Hayden); one son, Michael Johnson and wife Mariel of Tuscon, AZ.(One grand daughter Jennifer and two great- grandsons) His siblings include one brother, William Johnson and wife Joan of Valentine NE; one sister, Thelma Rockwell of Jonesboro, AR.


Central Missouri Honor Flight

Missouri United Methodist Churchc/o Memorial Funeral Home, Columbia, MO 65202

Past Services

Friday,January 18, 2019


Saturday,January 19, 2019

Funeral Service