Laura H. Mattejat, age 47, passed away Wednesday, July 15, 2015. She was born to the late Robert and Joan Hochreiner on June 15, 1968. Laura is survived by her husband Peter, sons Maxwell and Kyle, her mother, siblings, nieces, and nephews. She also leaves behind many loving friends that greatly cherished her for her loyalty, kindness, and honesty.
She was a Registered Nurse with an Associates degree from Muhlenberg Nursing School and B.S. degree from University of Maryland. Started her career in the ICU at University of Maryland, but her best work was later doing homecare. She was loved and respected by her peers. Laura loved caring for her patients and always helped anyone asking for medical advice.
Throughout her life friends, family, and patients were her passion and delight. She grew up in Plainfield, NJ enjoying being with her friends, brothers, sisters, and cousins. She loved the Jersey shore and was a true “Jersey Girl”.
For the past twenty-five years Maryland was her home and there she met Peter. Together they took on many adventures – never afraid to try something new. She proudly raised two wonderful sons that kept her quite busy. They taught her about caring for tropical fish and how the game of baseball is played. She learned to love the great outdoors such as fishing, camping, skiing, snorkeling, and soaking in her hot tub. Her favorite place to visit was Assateague Island off the Maryland coast – she loved hanging out at the beach during the day then sitting around the campfire at night. Every holiday was a special event for her, and especially Thanksgiving which she hosted at her home.
She oversaw the Mattejat household – no small task to manage “three” boys and assorted pets. She also enjoyed tending to her flower and vegetable gardens. She was also a sports fan – rooting for our sons’ sports teams, Orioles baseball, and Giants football. Like her Dad she loved watching the Indy 500 race every year. She was active member in the community, helping where she could. In particular, she proudly volunteered for her sons’ Cub Scout Pack and High School Robotics Team.
Peter, Maxwell, and Kyle are grateful for all of those who tirelessly helped Laura in the past year. Their unwavering support was touching and generous. Laura can’t be replaced, but she left a lasting legacy with her indomitable spirit and selfless generosity to help others. Her lasting wish is for everyone “not to sweat the small stuff and enjoy life”. Great advice from a wonderful person.
The funeral service is Sunday, July 19th at 2pm at Witzke Funeral Homes, Inc. The Mattejat family will also receive guests at their residence Monday and Tuesday from 7PM to 9PM.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to Champions Against Cancer of Howard County, MD ( and TREEmendous Maryland (