He was a good man, devoted husband to Yolanda, loving father to Lisette Jones and Karin Baker, adoring grandfather to Joseph and Jesse Jones, Gregory, Bella-Lucia and Luke Baker, father in-law to Ross Jones and Greg Baker. Loving son to Alejandro and Carmen Mata, and was loved as a son by his father and mother-in-law Esteban and Justina Equihua. A Father in-law whom he made very happy by taking him to see his favorite wrestlers in person at the Olympic Auditorium, or wait for him to drive him to the grocery store to buy his favorite food items, which always included plum preserves and catfish. Beloved brother to nine, whom he loved and looked up to, always having fond memories, like receiving new bikes for the twins at Christmas to having so much fun at a carnival and the list goes on. He is survived by his twin Gilbert Mata and older brother Ruben Mata. Brother-in-law to the spouses of his siblings as well as his wife’s siblings and spouses, godfather to a blessed handful of nephew, nieces, and the children of friends, uncle/tio to countless, as well as friend and neighbor to many.
He will forever be greatly missed. He grew up in Texas and then moved to Los Angeles, California. In his very early young adult years, he was introduced to the Equihua family, where he met and married his wife of 50 years Yolanda and became a permanent fixture of the family early on. Both Robert and Yolanda were the youngest of 10 in each of their families. He moved his young family to Moreno Valley of Riverside County where he spent the rest of his days becoming the grandfather of five.
He was a very easy-going person with a friendly demeaner, incapable of holding a grudge. Both he and his wife accomplished many things together, helping family members with home repairs, as well as opening their home to them and others in times of need, including taking care of his mother-in-law when she became a widow, and taking her on road trips in the RV which she always looked forward to. He also helped raise his grandsons Joey and Jesse as his own. He was extremely proud to be a Texan, a long-time servant at his local parish, St Christopher, as an usher and as a Knight of Columbus. He always loved his family, those near and far. A true sports fan at heart, he was proud of the Texas teams, Dallas Cowboys above all. In his free time, he found such joy in playing billiards, darts, and many card games in his backyard with his loved ones, all while his favorite Country, Tejano, and Oldie but Goodie music played in the background. While he had a gusto for life, delighting in nature, enjoying God’s creatures, and taking road trips with his family in his RV and van, he also appreciated a good classic Spanish movie, his favorite series (“The Rifle Man” and “Blue Bloods”), and any movie with a dog in it. A good meal made him smile non-stop. Having all his kids and grandkids together with him and his wife in the home they so beautifully enhanced with their own two hands and filled with precious memories, made his day, and brought him great happiness. These are things that made him ‘Papa’ to us and others, and now may Our Lord’s Perpetual light shine upon him.