John Perry Sexton, a man with simple wishes, thankfully had each of his wishes granted before passing on June 20, 2018. Born, a child of the Great Depression on April 17, 1933, he was the son of a Presbyterian minister, dividing his time brainstorming sermons with his father and getting into mischief dreaming of a life as a baseball player. While some of his friends of West Plains, Mo, got careers in baseball or other careers locally, John married his soul mate Kathryn Worrell, a nurse extraordinaire. Over the years, he moved to Southern California and ultimately Redlands where he was a civil engineer, designing communities in Riverside and San Bernardino, before these cities would be recognizable today. You may be living with a piece of my father’s care or precision in your neighborhood without knowing it, and he would be joyful to know that you are happier today because of it. In his later years, John was a pillar of the University of Redlands sports, attending every game with his disabled daughter, Nancy, with his hometown enthusiasm. He cared for her every need, and for that, we are grateful for his unwavering love, and blessed to be influenced by a man of such unconditional compassion. For those who know his daughter, Nancy, please know that she is doing well and even been a source of uplifting resilience during this time. Our father maintained his friends as well as his small town values for his entire life, as he would keep in touch regularly, notifying us about how his cherished friends and family in West Plains and England were doing. John was also known in his neighborhood and local senior community as a very friendly and charismatic character, always up for a partner in playing bridge. His family was fortunate to convey their great admiration for this man before he passed, and we know that he was gratified to be a part of your lives here in this community. We, the family of John Sexton, hope you have the chance to tell your loved one that these times you have had are not only important, but they are each special. As with my father, you and your loved one have likely touched lives farther out than you realize.
Services will be held on Thursday, June 28 at 1:00pm in the Cypress Chapel at Montecito Memorial Park.