Felix “Chivo” Franco Sr. passed away Monday morning, November 30, 2015. Felix was born in Loraine, TX on March 31, 1936 to Jose and Josefa Franco and was preceded in death by his parents, son Jo Franco, great granddaughter Linda Michelle Luera, brothers Salomon, Teodoro and Ricardo, and sister Lydia Franco Alvarez. A Christian Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, December 5 at 11 am at St. Ann’s Catholic Church of Colorado City, TX with Father Michael Udegbunam presiding. Burial will follow at Mitchell County Cemetery. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Kiker-Seale Funeral Home, which will host Vigil services with Rosary to be held Thursday and Friday from 6-8 pm with the rosaries at 7 pm.
Felix Franco was a lifelong resident of Colorado City and a member of St. Ann’s Catholic Church. He owned and operated Franco Concrete and was famous for his chili “Colorado.” Felix was dedicated to the improvement of lives. His legacy includes pushing for the paving of the Barrio “Sands” neighborhood, the development of Paredes Park and Franco Pavilion, Wolf Stadium improvements and countless work done at area cemeteries, churches, businesses and homes.
Chivo leaves behind a herd which includes sons Felix Jr, Andy and Tony of Colorado City, daughters Victoria Querido of San Antonio, Dalia Shamburg of Sunrise Beach, Missouri and Michelle Romero, Amy Franco, Naomi Goe, Esmeralda Vanderslice of Colorado City, and Yvonne Molina of Ft Worth. Felix is also survived by brothers Luis and Jose “Chuy” Jesus of Colorado City, Refugio “Cuco” of Odessa, Tx, Israel of Snyder, Tx, Roy of Katy, Tx and Alfred of Abilene, Tx; and sisters Gregoria “Golla” Franco Rivera and Eliova Franco Arispe of Colorado City. Felix was blessed with 21 grandchildren, 9 great grandchildren and an extended family of about 1700 (and counting) Francos. Thanks dad and rest in peace.