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Kathy Jean BroomeWife

Thomas Brenson( and wife Ashley) Broome Jr.Son

Sabrina Dawn MedinaDaughter

Nick Broome, Michael Medina, Dakota Broome, and Jacob BroomeGrandsons

Laney Judd and Maggie BroomeGranddaughters

Vernon Lamar BroomeBrother

5 sisters- in-law and 2 brothers in-lawothers

Vernon Henry and Edna Katie Lou (Wilkerson) BroomeParents (deceased)

Alice Alice and Everett RedmonMother and Father -in -Law (deceased)

Leighla Diantha VermillionSister (deceased)

Samuel Henry Broome, John Joseph Broome and Eugene BroomeBrothers (deceased)

John RoyalBrother -in- Law (deceased)

Past Services

Tuesday,May 01, 2018


Tuesday,May 01, 2018

Funeral Service