Leo Francis BachmanFather (deceased)
Dorothy Eileen BachmanMother (deceased)
David BachmanBrother (deceased)
Andy BachmanBrother (deceased)
Karen BachmanWife
Laura BrownDaughter
Shannon McClainDaughter
Robert Bachman, Jr.Son
Tania BachmanDaughter-in-law
Amy ScottDaughter
Mike ScottSon-in-law
Arren MayleDaughter
Eddie MayleSon-in-law
Aaron BachmanSon
Janet BachmanDaughter-in-law
Chad ReddenSon
Andrea ReddenDaughter-in-law
Kevin BachmanSon
Crystal BachmanDaughter-in-law
Adria OlaizDaughter
Tony OlaizSon-in-law
Clayton BachmanSon
Laura BachmanDaughter-in-law
Mary MillsSister
Robert MillsBrother-in-law
Jean MannSister
Jim MannBrother-in-law
Mr. Bachman also leaves 24 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren to cherish his memory.
Willie Martinez
Duane Bettner
Tom Diebold
Jamie Picket
Chad Redden
Josh Ingelton
Aaron Bachman, Jr.
Ross Bowersett, Jr,
Connor BachmanHonorary Pallbearer
Jacob BachmanHonorary Pallbearer