Joey passed away on January 30, 2023. He leaves behind his beloved wife, Bruni and three step daughters, Amanda, Stephanie, and Britany and five grandchildren Leo, Olivia, Ezekiel, Jordan and Gabriella. He is survived by his mother Anja, stepfather Frank Gilfone and a brother, Frank Saulino wife Kristen and two nephews Benjamin and Callum as well as his aunt Ramona Feldman.
He was not one to sit still, he was always active. Before moving to Florida, he was an electrician and for a short time, a volunteer firefighter in New Jersey. Until his illness he worked for (FPL) Florida Power and Light. Joey gave us all many memories to cherish and hold onto. He will be remembered dearly for the kind hearted gestures, and all of his jokes. He was loved by many, we love you rest easy free of pain and suffering.