Beloved wife to the late Joseph Del Vecchio. Cherished Mother to Richard Del Vecchio (Teresa), Angela Flores (Ramone), Robert Del Vecchio (Nicole), the late Joseph Del Vecchio Jr. (Judy) and the late Jennifer Del Vecchio. Loving Grandma to Joey, Ryan, Jessica, Richard Jr., Ashli, Ramone Jr., Lexie, Jasmine, Olivia, Robert Jr., Aubree, Jennaveive, Melissa and Janine. Great Grandmother to Martina, Willow, Zander, Ella, Kylie, Zayden, Paige, Brandon, Matthew, Tyler, Charlotte and Twila.
A Committal Service for Laurie will be held on Wednesday March 20, 2024 at 12:45 PM at Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery at 10175 Rawiga Rd, Seville, OH 44273, where she will be laid to rest with her husband. Please meet at the cemetery by 12:30 PM.