beloved husband of Barbara "Bobby" (nee Shiffman). Loving father of Michael (Jan) Meisel, Kim (Paul) Pesses, Peter (Susi) Meisel and Robert Meisel. Devoted grandfather of Alison Meisel, Dr. Erin (Andrew) Morris, Josh (Rachel) Meisel, Logan (Dr.Britt Catanach-fiancee) Pesses, Cole (Audrey) Pesses, Dr. Cari Meisel, Eric Meisel and Leah Meisel. Great grandfather of Oliver, Elli, Holden and Cameran. Dear brother of the late Sarane Cohn. Stanley was the consummate entrepreneur. His first venture was the establishment of Meisel Motors in 1950, where he built his reputation as “Stan the Man.” Subsequently, he was involved in the formation of Jay Pontiac, Jay Honda, ALCO Furniture Rental, Carnegie Insurance Budget & Service Companies, Carnegie Leasing Co., and Carnegie Companies, Inc. Over the years, he grew his involvement in the commercial real estate business, which included hotels and shopping centers. Stanley was a great communicator, had a way with words, loved a good joke, and was truly a people person. He was, with his wife Bobby, unequalled on the dance floor. Giving back to the community and providing opportunities to others to improve their lives was of utmost importance to him. Among his proudest achievements were the establishment of the E.J. Meisel Scholarship Fund at Glenville High School and, later, the formation of The Meisel Family Foundation at the Jewish Federation of Cleveland. His community involvements were many, including Chair of the Federation’s Automotive Division, Treasurer and Honorary Director of the Cleveland Play House, President of the Cleveland Play House Club, President of Oakwood Club, Hebrew Free Loan Trustee, The Temple Tifereth Israel Trustee, Menorah Park Life Trustee and a committed volunteer at The Greater Cleveland Food Bank. However, family was the most important and sacred piece of his life; spending time with Bobby, the love of his life for over 66 years, his four children and, later, their spouses and children. He created countless opportunities for all of them to spend meaningful and special time together. Services will be held MONDAY, February 4 at 1 PM at THE TEMPLE-TIFERETH ISRAEL 26000 Shaker Blvd. Beachwood, OH. FAMILY WILL RECEIVE FRIENDS ON MONDAY AT THE TEMPLE FOLLOWING SERVICES UNTIL 4 PM. MONDAY EVENING FROM 6 PM-8 PM, THE FAMILY WILL RECEIVE AT THE RESIDENCE OF KIM AND PAUL PESSES 100 Skyline Dr. Moreland Hills, OH. TUESDAY THE FAMILY WILL RECEIVE AT THE RESIDENCE OF PETER AND SUSI MEISEL 5297 S.O.M. CENTER RD. SOLON 2 PM-4 PM & 6 PM-8 PM. Friends who wish may contribute to the Cleveland Playhouse, the Alzheimer's Association/ Cleveland Chapter or the Menorah Park Foundation.