“Bobby” Meisel, beloved wife of the late Stanley Meisel. Loving mother of Michael (Jan) Meisel, Kim (Paul) Pesses, Peter (Susi) Meisel and Robert Meisel. Devoted grandmother of Alison Meisel, Dr. Erin (Andrew) Morris, Josh (Rachel) Meisel, Logan (Dr. Britt Catanach) Pesses, Cole (Audrey) Pesses, Dr. Cari Meisel, Eric Meisel and Leah Meisel. Great grandmother of Oliver, Elli, Holden and Cameran. Dear sister of Lane Stein. Her early years were spent in Cleveland, where she started her acting career in the youth theatre program (“The Curtain Pullers”) at the Cleveland Play House. Bobby and her family moved to Los Angeles when she was a teenager. During her high school years Bobby was a radio actress, playing parts on The Jack Benny Show and others. She subsequently graduated from UCLA with a theatre arts degree. While back in Cleveland for a cousin’s wedding, Bobby met Stan on a blind date. They were married shortly thereafter and remained the love of each other’s lives for 66 years. Bobby continued to be involved in community theatre while she was raising their family. She was also a lifelong volunteer at the Cleveland Play House, during which time she served as president of the Women’s Committee. She was also an active volunteer at The Cleveland Sight Center, The Temple Tifereth Israel, where she ran the foodbank connection for years, and other community organizations. Bobby and Stan were unequaled on the dance floor, a love that they passed down to their children. However, the most important focus of her life was family, and holidays and celebrations with Stan, her children and, later, grandchildren and great grandchildren were sacred to her. She raised her children to reflect and respect the values that she and Stan imparted to them. Services will be held Wednesday, January 22 at 11:30 am at The Temple-Tifereth Israel, 26000 Shaker Blvd., Beachwood, Oh 44122 Family will receive friends following services at The Temple until 3 PM. WEDNESDAY EVENING THE FAMILY WILL RECEIVE FRIENDS AT THE RESIDENCE OF KIM AND PAUL PESSES, 100 Skyline Dr., Moreland Hills, OH. 44022, 6 PM-8 PM, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, the family will receive friends at the residence of SUSI AND PETER MEISEL 5297 S.O.M. CENTER RD, SOLON, OH. 2 PM-4 PM & 6 PM-8 PM. Friends who wish may contribute to the Cleveland Playhouse Foundation or the Menorah Park Foundation.