Genevieve Knibbs, 84, of Winston Salem passed away June 19. A devoted mother, grandmother, wife, aunt and sister, she will be deeply missed. Born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, she moved to Fort Lauderdale, Florida with her husband Floyd in 1985 to be closer to family, and was an especially loving presence throughout her granddaughter Jessica’s childhood. She relocated to Winston Salem in 2006.
She is survived by her loving daughter Kathleen Plantier of Winston Salem, devoted son Thomas Knibbs of Boca Raton Florida, granddaughter Jessica Knibbs and daughter-in-law Andrea Knibbs, and beloved as “Aunt Gene” by her extended family of nieces and nephews. She was also a great aunt, and a great-great aunt. She follows Floyd, her husband of 63 years, cherished sister and brother-in-law Sue and Dick Schober, and goddaughter Jeanne Marie Jones to heaven.
Gene had a warm heart and an artist’s eye, evident in the many photographs she took through the years,. She loved fall leaves, parties on the beach, decorating for the holidays, sharing laughter and making family memories. She also had a keen mind. A thoroughly modern grandmother, she enjoyed being on-line, keeping in touch and nurturing lifelong friendships and family ties. Gene took great joy in always being “there” for her family to celebrate every occasion and milestone. In Winston Salem, she was especially grateful for the ever-supportive presence of George and Vicki Schober, and Patti and Freddy Finkelstein.
A graduate of St. Mary’s High in Elizabeth, New Jersey, she worked for New Jersey Bell, retiring in 1985.
A Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Friday, June 22, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. at Saint Leo the Great Catholic Church. Her cremains will be interred at Forsyth Memorial Park at a later date.
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