Harold "Jim" Bowser, beloved husband to Lynne, father to Lori, Jeffrey, Todd, Julie, Megan, and Matthew, died peacefully at his home on Tuesday, August 19th at 1:05pm. Jim was born on September 11th, 1934 in Roaring Spring, Pennsylvania. He moved to Florida in 1979 where he started Bowser Motors, a car dealership he and his wife, Lynne, owned and ran for almost 30 years. Jim was a very well respected business man in the community and was dearly loved by his family, friends and co-workers for his quick wit, love for life and his kind and compassionate heart. Jim loved being with his family more than anything and had a strong faith in Jesus Christ. He is honored and remembered here by his beloved wife, Lynne, his sister, Zerelda Geis, his children, his 13 grandchildren and his nieces and nephews. A memorial service for will be held at Lakeside Community Chapel on Sunday, August 24th, at 2:30pm