Bernard Wayne Hoffman “Bernie” of Evanston, Illinois, formerly of Chicago/Hyde Park, passed away February 3, 2015, following years of Alzheimer’s challenges. Beloved husband of Wyvette, nee Anderson, father of Wayne Russell (Andrea Porter) and grandfather of Russell and Linus, with family members in Wisconsin, Indiana, Connecticut and Colorado. Born on August 31, 1941 in Plymouth, Indiana, and grew up in Claypool, Indiana. Bernie’s parents (Gilbert and Catherine, Indiana) and sister (Natalie Molebash, Wisconsin) preceded him in death.
Bernie received an undergraduate degree in Mathematics from Indiana University (Bloomington), after transferring from Manchester College, and a Masters (MSA) degree from DePaul University. Bernie’s obsession with the Indiana Hoosiers basketball team resulted in his family following the team to many playoff games and tournaments, in Indiana and throughout the US. After college, Bernie joined the Air Force, stationed at Norton Air Base (Ballistic Systems Division), San Bernardino, California. Bernie’s career, as a technology specialist, spanned decades with contributing roles at Washington National Insurance, Amoco Corporation, Chicago Police Department, University of Chicago, Midwest Stock Exchange, retiring from the University of Illinois (Chicago) in 2002.
Memorial Services have been planned for Saturday, March 28, 2015, at 11am, at Drake & Son Funeral Home, 5303 N. Western Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625, followed by a private inurnment service. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Alzheimer’s Research Association, Indiana University or DePaul University. Online condolences can be left at