Harry Charles Sperry of Keswick (Charlottesville), Virginia passed away peacefully at home on Wednesday February 23, 2022. He was born on June 10, 1924, in Detroit, Michigan. He obtained a degree from the University of Maryland, and an MBA from Arizona State University. Harry was a WWII B26 bomber pilot, an Air Force Lt. Colonel (ret. 1967), and retired as a NASA executive in 1986. He and Joyce (his wife of 47 years) built a home on a farm in Romney, WV., lived on the water in Edenton, NC., and traveled extensively around the world to South America, Africa, Europe, Australia, and the Far East. Harry was known for his love of cars and sense of humor. He did volunteer work for the Edenton Airport Board and Habitat for Humanities.
He is survived by his wife, Joyce (Lydia Joyce Killam), 5 children – David (Joanne), Ann (David), Michael (Pat), Mark, Christine, 9 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren. He is predeceased by his first wife (Clara Christine Martin), parents (Harold and Nola), and siblings (Howard and Bud). Services will take place at Arlington National Cemetery.