William, better known as Bill or “The Captain,” graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1944 (Class of 1945) and enjoyed an illustrious naval career, participating in World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. He was awarded two Legions of Merit for his work in streamlining the supply system before retiring in 1974 as a Captain. After retirement from the Navy, he was a waste paper broker, managing the Savannah plant of Howard Zuker Associates. In 1999, he retired completely and moved to The Cypress of Charlotte.
Bill was married to Eunice Eileen Johnson from 1946-1981, and to Joan Stapleton Cooney from 1982-2009. He will receive full Navy honors at Arlington National Cemetery and be interred with both of his wives.
Bill is survived by his children, Carol Ellen Zychowski, Susan Jeanne Goodwin, Richard Edward Williams, John Stephen Williams, and Katherine Victoria Bartlett, as well as thirteen grandchildren and sixteen great-grandchildren. He also leaves five step-children: Jo Anne Cripe, Jane Shukitis, Jill Rudolph, Kim Mennemeyer and John Cooney, and eight step-grandchildren.
Memorial contributions may be made to Doctors without Borders.