"Mama Haynes" as she was known by family, is survived by three children, Carol Burton, Jacque (Todd) Turner, and Danny (Peggy) Haynes; five grandchildren, Angela Lilly, Jennifer (Ben) Blades, Jason (Amber) Haynes, Danny (Caroline) Propst, and Cannon Turner; and eight great-grandchildren.
She was also preceded in death by her parents, Obie and Bessie Cannon, and her husband, Cullen Dwight Haynes.
The following was written by her daughter, Jacque Turner:
Rejoice my life has not ended -
my new life has begun.
We will meet again on the other side until then -
Be kind.
A graveside service will be private.
Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at www.McEwenPinevilleChapel.com for the Haynes family.