Elizabeth (Liz) Ann Burk, beloved wife, mother, grandmother and Gigi, passed peacefully from this earth and gained her angel wings on April 22, 2023. She leaves behind a legacy of strength, beauty, love of family and sparkle. She will be fondly remembered for her wonderful cooking, skillful decorating, beautiful wreaths and exquisite bows.
She is preceded in death by her husbands, Leroy and Leon, her mother, Marie Alexander, father, Collie Sturrock and sister, Sue Borger.
She is survived by her daughter, Angela Westfall; daughter, Melody Walker and husband John; as well as four grandchildren: Kris Wald and Kandice Wald; Chelsea Jeffery and Matthew Walker and eight great grandchildren: Burk and Addyson Wald, Isaac and Mila Michael, Lincoln, Levi and Rhys Jeffery and Amelia Walker.
A private memorial service will be held for family at her final resting place, Rolling Oaks Memorial Center in Coppell, TX at a later date.