Né à St Fidèle, QC, le 25 juin 1945.
Il laisse dans le deuil ses fils Richard (Sherrey Dobson) de Campbellton, Steven (Brenda) d'Atholville et Raymond Jr. (Christine Gallant) de Saint-Arthur, ses petits-enfants Joannie et Ashtin, ses arrière-petits-enfants Aiden et Adrian, et plusieurs autres membres de la famille et amis.
Les arrangements funéraires sont confiés à la Maison funéraire Maher, Campbellton.
(506)789-1699 ou sans frais (855) 404-1699 courriel : [email protected]
Passed away at the Campbellton Regional hospital on January 4, 2023 at the age of 77, Mr. Raymond Francoeur of Campbellton.
Born in St Fidèle, QC, On June 25, 1945.
He is survived by his sons Richard (Sherrey Dobson) of Campbellton, Steven (Brenda) of Atholville and Raymond Jr. (Christine Gallant) of Saint-Arthur, his grandchildren Joannie and Ashtin, his great-grandchildren Aiden and Adrian, and many other family members and friends.
Funeral arrangements are in the care of Maher’s Funeral Home, Campbellton.
(506)789-1699 or toll free (855) 404-1699 email: [email protected]