Fred Miller was a man with a personality that was truly larger than life. He spoke truthfully with little to no filter and made no distinction of social or economic class. Rich, poor, young or old, he treated them all with dignity and respect. He could make almost anyone laugh without the need of a joke with just the use of his lightning quick wit or simply by sharing his unique perception of the world, often relayed by an unorthodox sequence of intertwined descriptive and curse words. He was a great judge of character and those who he liked were endeared to him, and those he did not, he made sure to let them know. He found joy in helping people, from the small things like picking up trash around the neighborhood to mowing elderly neighbors’ lawns in the summer and shoveling their walks in the winter. His greatest source of joy was from spending time with his family and cats. He was one in a billion, and will be missed by every person whose life he touched.