Mary was born in Houston,Texas on January 27, 1942. She attended Bethany Nazarene College in Bethany, Oklahoma, where she met Parker, her husband of 54 years. Parker and Mary moved to Houston, Texas in 1964 and lived there until they retired to Highland Haven, Texas in 2009.
She will be missed by so many. She had a servant's heart and loved to “do” for others. Before moving to the Hill Country, she spent years working in the children’s department at Calvary Church of the Nazarene as a Sunday School Teacher, Children’s Church Leader, VBS worker…in any capacity she was needed. She loved Calvary and all of the people who attended there, as it was her church all of her life.
A teacher’s aid with Galena Park Independent School District for over 30 years, she worked in Special Education helping students that struggled. She had a gift of making all kids feel important and loved. She also was an invaluable helper to the teachers she worked with. She especially loved spending her final years at GPISD working in the classroom with Mrs. Revonda Henry, who became one of her dearest friends.
When Parker passed away, Mary moved next to her daughter’s family in the Cassie Subdivision near Lake Buchanan where she was showered with love and attention from her family and neighbors. She loved attending the neighborhood gatherings and spending precious time with family. She kept us laughing with her funny stories and quick-witted comebacks around the dinner table, and her little giggle was infectious when she knew she was entertaining us. Mary was one of the happiest people and just a joy to be around.
Most of the last year of her life, she was unable to get out very much, and that was hard for her. However, she did go to Silver Sneakers as much as she could. We would like to thank the people at Kingsland Health and Fitness Center for the love they showed our mom. Even when she could not keep up any longer, they had a chair ready and waiting for her so she could participate as much as she could and be surrounded by her friends. She told us once when we were getting her there a little late, “They won’t start without me.” Sure enough, they met us at the door and took her right in to her waiting chair. They made her feel as special as she was, and we are forever grateful.
We would like to thank Dr. Kim Russell, the Baylor, Scott & White Hospice team and the caregivers that helped our mom. Dr. Russell always took the time to explain mom’s needs and did everything possible for her, including letting us know when it was time to call in help from hospice. Her nurse, Kim, and aide, Tammy, were invaluable to all of us. Her caregivers and helpers, Linda, Marnie and Tearsa gave us time away when we needed it. It was so calming to know she was in great hands in our absence. We could not have survived these last two months without all of your love and guidance. You all truly became family to us.
Mary is survived by Stan Wilson and Robin Young of Burleson, Texas, son and daughter-in-law; Diane and Jem Woods of Burnet, Texas, daughter and son-in-law; Wren and Kal Saldana, Shelbi Woods, Lyndsi and Ellett Vann, grandchildren; Everett Saldana, great-grandson; Elliott Saldana and Emerson Saldana, great-granddaughters. She will also be missed by her siblings, Jerry and Gale Reynolds; Darrell Reynolds and Freddie Lynn Chapman; Beverly and Don Gillespie. Her precious sister, Bev, traveled here from Canada to spend as much time as she could with her as often as possible. They made the most of their time together and loved each other dearly. Mary had brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, cousins, and many, many other numerous friends and family that will also dearly miss her. She loved well and was well-loved.
Mary is predeceased by Parker Wilson, husband; Clotee and RT Reynolds, mother and father; Patricia Ann Reynolds, sister; Everleigh Klaire Saldana, great-granddaughter; and Lacy Kay Gillespie, niece.
The family is making arrangements for a memorial service in the future. Information about the location, time and date will be provided as soon as it is available.