With profound sadness, Gok Shing Wong, a wonderful husband, father, grandfather and brother, passed away peacefully on January 6, 2022 at St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, BC. He is lovingly remembered by: wife, Chun Xia; children and grandchildren, Ken, May, Mathew, Teresa; Shing; Erric, Niki, Jerome, Justin; Shui, Ben, Maia and Colin; and sister, Chun Mei and her husband Bing Ji.
He was born in a village named Niu Jiao Long, Taishan, Guangdong, China, married in 1960 and became a proud father of four. He worked hard on the farm from sunrise to sunset, enjoying peace and happiness with his family. In his spare time, he made roof tiles, bricks, helped others to build their homes and most of all, loved fishing.
In 1982, he, with his wife and children journeyed to Canada and settled in the Lower Mainland, British Columbia. He worked in Castlegar at a restaurant and rejoined his family a few years later in Vancouver. The highlight of his career was working along side his children in the family restaurant until his retirement in 2003.
After retirement, he joined his wife and together, spent quality time with their grandchildren and grew delicious edibles in their garden. The local community centres became their daily place of leisure of card games, mah-jong and exercises at the swimming pool.
His generosity together with his tireless spirit in helping others will be remembered and missed. He will remain forever in our hearts.
A private visitation will be held on January 26 from 4:30-6:30pm.
A funeral and graveside service will be held on Thursday, January 27 from 1:00-3:30pm at Forest Lawn Funeral Home, 3789 Royal Oak Avenue, Burnaby, BC.
The Wong family whole-heartedly thank relatives and friends for their kind thoughts and support. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to St. Paul’s Hospital Foundation (https://helpstpauls.com/donate/tribute-giving).
黄国盛先生, 一位优秀的丈夫, 父亲, 祖父和兄弟,带着家人们深深的爱, 于 2022 年一月六日在温哥华圣保罗医院安详地去世了。
他生于中国广东省台山市牛角龙村, 1960 年结婚, 与妻子共同养育了四名子女. 他是一位非常勤劳的农民, 日出而耕, 日落而息, 与家人其乐融融。闲暇时爱好捕鱼, 还非常热心地帮助村民盖房子及其他杂务。
1982 年, 他携妻儿远渡加拿大, 定居于卑诗省温哥华。最初几年, 他在偏远的 Castlegar 小镇餐馆打工, 赚钱养家. 后来回到温哥华与家人重聚并经营了一家餐馆. 在他的职业生涯中, 勤劳 经营餐馆, 专心钻研菜式绝对是他人生履历中最重要的阶段。
2003 年退休后, 他与妻子含饴弄孙, 尽享天伦之乐的同时, 还喜欢打理菜园, 去社区中心游泳, 打牌, 打麻将和健身。
他那慷概坦荡, 乐于助人, 勤劳刻苦和永不倦怠的精神将会永远被我们怀念, 他永远活在我们的心里。
葬禮將於 1 月 27 日, 星期四下午 1:00-3:30 在 Forest Lawn 殯儀館舉行 。
黄家合府衷心感谢大家的善意和支持, 恳辞奠仪及花圈, 并建议捐赠至圣保罗医院基金会纪念黄国盛先生https://helpstpauls.com/donate/tribute-giving。