Paul Michael Davies was a modest man, quiet and observant in his ways. He was trustworthy and traditional in his approach to his life and in his relationships. He was tough-minded with the kind of “stick to it” attitude that earned the respect of all who knew him. He was also a man who was meticulous, carefully disciplined, and orderly in virtually everything he undertook. Realistic about life, he was always at the ready, prepared to take on responsibility.
His parents were Thomas and Regina Davies. Paul was raised in Burbank, California. He was brought up to be self-confident and dependable. These were traits that would serve him well throughout his life.
Growing up in the Davies household was a bit different than most homes. There were good times to be had, but just as often there was a fair share of challenges as well. However, Paul was able to work through the usual family problems when they appeared, and he was the one person in the family who seemed able to keep the stress at bay. Paul was raised with seven siblings. He had three older brothers Jerry, Raymond and Jim and four younger siblings, Patrick, Jeanie, Sheila and Kevin. Paul was constantly involved in activities with his brothers and sisters. Paul and his siblings may have had the typical rivalries while growing up but Paul was always consistently loyal to his family.
Paul brought the same traditional values in his marriage to bear on how he raised his children. He was a good parent to them, always firm yet fair in his dealings. He would always listen carefully and think things through before he acted, even when it was an adverse situation. Paul was also a walking schedule, always seeming to know what everyone in the family needed to do, where they needed to be and when they needed to be there. Paul was blessed with two children, two daughters, Renee and Lisa. They were also blessed with two grandchildren, Shane and Samantha.
Paul was a Marine. He was in the Vietnam War. A literal thinker who possessed a calm exterior, Paul seemed to enjoy the routines set forth by the military. His results-oriented approach to things made him committed to the job, and he understood well his role in serving his country.
Paul liked to experience things first-hand as well as learn about them. This trait carried over into his hobbies, where he was very methodical in how he organized his activities and categorized things. Since he enjoyed his private time, Paul always tried to allocate a specific time for working on his hobbies. His favorite pursuits were crossword puzzles, solitaire. Paul was content to enjoy his hobbies alone but was also willing to share his interests with others.
Paul enjoyed traveling and taking vacations. Favorite vacations included riding in Hungry Valley and going to Needles on the river.
Paul Michael Davies passed away on July 15, 2013 at Providence St. Joseph's Hospital in Burbank, California. He is survived by two daughters Renee and Lisa, two grandchildren Shane and Samantha and five siblings Raymond, Patrick, Sheila, Jeanie, and Kevin. Services were held at Valley Funeral Home.
Commitment is a key word that can be used to describe the life of Paul Michael Davies. He was committed to living the life of a good man who was both practical and trustworthy. He was committed to the traditional values that he upheld his entire life. He committed himself to being a hard worker who expected the same effort in return from those around him. Most of all, he was committed to those he knew and loved.