Our father, Humberto Cisneros, was born on March 7, 1939. He attended Brownsville schools and joined the Navy at the age of 17. Thanks to the Navy, he traveled the world making for an interesting story or or two which he so dearly enjoyed sharing time and again with everyone and anyone willing to listen, and listen we did. After the Navy, he came back to Brownsville and married the love of his life, Delfina. He was an excellent husband and father who respected his wife and taught us the importance of responsibility, respect, and the value of hard work and a good education."God, family, and Country,"
Dad would always say, a motto he lived by true and true.When he and our mother first began attending our parish, Holy Family Catholic Church, they were very involved with the parish community. Dad belonged to the Legion of Mary and walked the streets of our neighborhood visiting our church's parishioners. Thanks to his and our mother's devotion, all four of us and our respective families still belong to and help out at Holy Family. There was never a dull moment when he was around. He relished in his fatherly role and made the most beautiful of memories for us with weekend fishing trips, baseball games and trips to the ranch. He'd gather us kiddos along with several of our neighborhood friends and trek us about to the beach, camping at the river, or a ball game. He had the biggest of hearts, always including many a neighborhood kiddo who for what ever reason couldn't get a ride to a game or couldn't afford to participate in many of the wonderful activities that we were a part of. He just included them as one of his own. "Donde come uno, comen todos," siempre decia Papi. And, that's just the way it was.
He worked for Morris Lumber Company and upon its closing, he retained employment with BISD and worked as a bus driver and consequently a security guard at the bus barn until he retired to care for our mother. Humberto was preceded in death by his parents, Praxedis and Sara Cisneros, a daughter, Mary Cisneros, his wife of forty years, Delfina (DeLeon) Cisneros and two siblings, Lupita C. Perez, and Praxedis Cisneros Jr. He is survived by his children: Cris Sylvia) Cisneros, Celina P. Cisneros, Delfina Cisneros, and Humberto (Laura) Cisneros Jr., his grandchildren: Cris Jr. (Annie,) Stephen (Lesly,) Jacob (Julie,) Lucia, and Cecilia, and his great grand children: Camila, Cris, Stephen, and Sara.
Pall bearers: Cris Cisneros Sr. Humberto Cisneros Jr., Cris Cisneros Jr., Jacob Cisneros, and Henry De Leon.