He attended the Chatham and Central Elementary Schools. In 1950, at the tender age of 10, he was baptized by the late Rev. Moore of Chatham, VA and joined the Tramp Baptist Church.
In June 1957 he moved to Washington, D.C., where he joined the Carron Baptist Church and was elected Superintendent of the Sunday School. During this time, it was arranged for him to make his home at the residence of the late Brother and Sister Robert Burton, where he received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and his calling (by God) to the Gospel Ministry. However, he did not immediately fully accept his calling. It was not until the summer of 1960 that he fully surrendered to God. He acknowledged his calling and shared it with his pastor, the late Rev. H. Ellis Turner, who gave him the opportunity to walk in his calling and further his studies and prepare himself for the ministry. In September 1960, he enrolled in the Bibleway Training School of Theology and in 1961, he enrolled in Roosevelt Evening School to complete his high school education.
In April 1962, he married Charlotte Lorraine Cottrill and to this union six children were born.
In 1963, after graduating from the Bibleway Training School of Theology and Roosevelt Evening School, he was licensed after preaching his trial sermon at the Carron Baptist Church under the Rev. H. Ellis Turner. On his 31st birthday, while still at Carron, he was ordained under the pastoralship of the late Rev. Leroy Waldo and was later appointed Assistant Pastor.
He started his work career as a Bindery Assistant at the Institute for Defense Analysis. After 40 years of service, he retired in 2005 as a Publishing Support Supervisor.
In June 1977, the Lord exalted him to the pastoralship of the Rising Sun Baptist Church, where he stayed only a short time. Under the direction of the Holy Spirit and being obedient to the will of God, in December 1978, he organized the Verdadera Fe Baptist Church, where he remained a devoted servant and leader until the Lord called him home.
In 1997, the Lord blessed him with an opportunity to be able to further his education and receive his Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies from Andersonville Baptist Seminary. He would go on to continue his education and in 1998, received his Master of Arts in Divinity from Faith Bible College and Seminary and his Doctorate of Ministry in 2001 from Faith Christian University and Schools.
Elder Blair was preceded in death by his parents and a brother, Robert. He leaves to cherish his memory his wife of 56 years, Charlotte; six children, Charletta (Larry), Thomas, Jr. (Aundria), Elaine, Theodora, Theresa, and Antoinette; three siblings, Patricia (Sam), Diane, and Donald (Lisa); 12 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren, and 1 great-great-grandchild. He also leaves 2 precious aunts (Rosa Mae and Mattie Lou), a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.