Navy wives are protected by more people than you want to make mad.
Transfers come, yet she knows "Home is where her sailor is." When he is home the load is shared, yet they live as though he will deploy tomorrow.
She has and will shoulder adversity often. It is said " life's roughest storms prove the strength of our anchor." It never gets easier, she just gets better.
Plans are made and plans are changed do to operational commitments, the Navy wife is flexible enough to accept those things she cannot change.
Sometimes we must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. (Joseph Campbell)
She has not only served her family and the Navy for twenty years but has gone on to serve her family for fifty two years and will continue through the eternities.
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. I have fallen in love with the same person for the last fifty two years , and will continue to love her, she is my eternal companion, and again she waits for me. We are being transferred, she goes ahead to prepare. There will be one of those heart stopping hellos when we next meet.
She is my hero and love of my life; Pamela LeRae Sommer, a sailors wife and a mother in Zion.
Robert L. Sommer, USN, retired
Husband to a Navy Wife