Michael Moschetti was born on December 29th, 1961. He passed peacefully on December 12th 2014, he was 52 years old. True to Mike’s personal style, his final hours were spent joking with medical personnel, chatting with family, thinking about work and bargaining with God to look over his family. He loved his family. His heart beat faster when his he discussed the merits of his dog “Bucky”, his parrot "Snickers", his stray kitty cat "Miss Kitty", John Deere and the Denver Bronco’s. Mike’s back straightened and chest puffed out when he heard the Star Spangled Banner or the Marine Corps Hymn (Semper Fi Brother) and his eyes looked off in the distance when the “Dark Side of the Moon” was played.
Always an interested observer of politics, particularly what the process does to its participants, he was amused by politician's outrage when challenged with the truth and amazed at what the voters would tolerate. Mike’s handshake was his contract; honor and integrity were more important to him than the bottom line. He loved to hear jokes, especially short ones with a little spice. You always knew what Mike was thinking much to the dismay of his friends and family. Mike stated many times he was often wrong, but never in doubt. When his family was asked what they remembered about Mike they fondly recalled how he loved his family with his full heart.
Over the course of a lifetime Mike worked at Main Street Exxon in Kalispell, MT, a Helicopter Crew Chief in the United States Marine Corps and for 29 years at American Airlines. Each job allowed him to meet, serve and encounter friendships that he held dearly throughout his life.
Mike loved to have his family gathered around. His clan was by no means limited to his biological family. Many other people “adopted” Mike and included him as an honored member of their families. These extended family’s and their children’s children are too numerous to name, but all will miss Mike greatly. Mike was a builder of persons.
Mike, truly had a pure heart, he was loved very much and is now physically gone away from us. Words fail to express how deeply he will be missed. He has left each us many wonderful moments. Cling to those memories; they can serve as salve for your hurts and balm for your heartfelt pains. They will help to get you through today, tomorrow, and the many tomorrows to come. And so can God. Rest on Him. Lean on His people. With time, all sorrows fade, but memories grow dearer.
Mike is survived by his family; Roxy and Illona Moschetti, Harlan and Linda Bruns, Nick Moschetti, Kelly Murphy, Mary Moschetti-Lantz, Camelia Naranjo and many other family members including uncles, aunts, nephews and nieces. He cherished each.
In lieu of flowers, Mike asked that you make a sizable purchase at your local pizzeria and enjoy it to the last slice and that you would perform an unexpected and unsolicited act of kindness for an unfortunate sole in his name --