Grandchildren, and friends at the age of 90 on July 27,2018 in San Diego California.
A memorial will take place August 8, 2018 at Glen Abbey’s Little Chapel of Roses.
A Catholic Mass will take place on August 9th, followed by his final resting place at
Miramar National Cemetery. Manuel Valle was born in Calexico, California to Jose G
Valle and Angelina M Valle on June 7th,1928.
Manuel Valle was a dedicated worker throughout his life starting at a young age. Manuel did
not shy away from hard labor. He even worked the fields and believed in fair pay and treatment
of all workers. He had the privilege to sit with activist Cesar Chavez to achieve goals. One of his
greatest achievements was to serve his country. He enlisted in the Army on July 6, 1949 and fought infantry in the Korean war in the 1950’s. His last rank was Corporal. He made a career
In the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System and retired.
He dedicated his retired years to his ranch in San Antonio de Las Minas en Baja California,
Mexico, near Ensenada. There he built his own home, herd sheep,tend to his cows, pigs, horses, and any other animal that he would take in and give a home to. He also, enjoyed
reading newspapers, documentaries, and telling stories. He always made his family and friends laugh.
Manuel Valle was beloved by his family and friends and immediately loved by all who had the
privilege to encounter his presence. Manuel Valle is survived by his wife Maria Valle, 5 biological children, five step-children (whom he treated as his own), 34 grandchildren and
16 great- grandchildren.
Manuel Valle is predeceased by his siblings Angelina Valle, Jose Antonio Valle, Jose Guillermo Valle, Maria Del Carmen Valle, Jose Alfredo Valle Jose Alfonso Valle, and
Alberto Cesar Valle. “Survivor Norma Graciela Valle.