Everyone’s life is the sum total of all of the people they have met, the things they have done, the places they have gone. Daniel Meza was no exception. He was a loved one, a friend, and someone special. To family and friends who knew him best, Daniel will be remembered as a very exceptional person. Daniel Meza‘s services are under the direction of Glen Abbey Memorial Park and Mortuary.
--- Share a Memory ---
Please join us in remembering Daniel Meza by visiting our Memorial at www.GlenAbbeysandiego.com." target="_blank" rel="nofollow">www.GlenAbbeysandiego.com. Through this site, we invite you to share your thoughts and fond memories with our family. This biography may be viewed at www.mem.com or www.GlenAbbeysandiego.com , and once you have created your member account for your loved one’s life story at www.mem.com/members , you may edit or add to the story content. Should you need assistance creating your member account at anytime, please contact Customer Service toll free at 1-888-549-4636.
You may also email a digital file of the biography or photograph to your Glen Abbey Arranger or copy the file(s) to a CD and drop it off at Glen Abbey’s MEM Department, 3838 Bonita Road, Bonita California, 619-498-4600, and we will be honored to update your loved one’s Life Story Online Memorial.