Linda Felix Valenzuela was the youngest of ten born to Cirilo and Connie Felix. The humble life they lived was always centered around God and family. Her brothers that always gave her stories to tell and her sister that she looked up to. Her family was everything to her. At age twenty-one she met Alfonso Valenzuela who would soon become her husband and be by her side for the rest of her life. Although she was not immediately drawn to him, he would later win her heart. Together they had three daughters that lit up their world, and meant everything to them. They were always together, talking and laughing or maybe even bickering but always by each other's side. Though their marriage was not perfect she showed the love and effort marriage takes. She was always one to put family first and gave a perfect picture of what grace looks like not only to our family but to anyone around her. The reminder that family is everything was an example that has been passed down from generations. After battling breast cancer for nearing three years, she was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Through all the stages of her life she knew the Lord had a plan for her and she knew the promise of eternity in heaven. She was a living example of unwavering faith and constant joy that we should all strive to have. No matter how difficult the news, she could be quoted as saying "it is what it is" because she knew it was all a part of His plan. She will be tremendously missed but the imprint that she left in our lives will be carried with us forever. A daughter, sister, wife, and mother, she will never be let go.
Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you."
A verse Linda held dear to her heart, the faith that could not be moved, was always growing no matter what crossed her path. She was a gift from God to our family and will be missed here on earth, until we see her again in heaven with our Savior. Hope has a name and His name is Jesus.