Hossein Fahim, son of Maryam and Abdolali Fahim was born in Isfahan, Iran on December 12th, 1920. After a long battle, following multiple strokes, he passed away peacefully on April 7th at Life Care Center of Kirkland, with his loved ones at his bedside.
He grew up in Isfahan and earned a bachelor’s degree in Law. It was in his early twenties when he moved to Abadan and pursued a career at National Oil Company in management. He moved to Seattle, Washington in 1980, and lived a great life with his wife, Irandokht. He was a loyal family man, and he was also very blessed with lots of great friends.
He is survived by his wife, Irandokht, his sons, Shahram, Shahriar, and Shahin, 6 grandchildren, and 6 great-grandkids.
He will be sadly missed by his loving family.