Dennis Bednar, beloved husband, father, brother and friend, passed away peacefully at his home in Redmond, Washington in the early morning hours of April 21, 2015, in the presence of his longtime friend and caregiver Mary Ricci. Dennis, the son of Sigmund and Alice Bednar, was a native of Chicago, Illinois. In 1961, Dennis served his country as a proud member of The Army National Guard. He married Barbara Ann Larrick, March 17, 1972 in Bellevue Wa.
On April 5th, 1985 they became the proud parents of Kathleen Denise. A respected member of the business community; Dennis was the owner of Kestral Printing, located in Bellevue, Wa. He was a gifted master woodworker, and an enthusiastic supporter of sports for young athletes, in particular boys and girls basketball, in addition to being an avid fan of the Seahawks and the Mariners. His legendary devotion to the football teams of Notre Dame, his colorful storytelling and his love of humor made him, in the hearts of his many friends, an honorary Irishman. Dennis was a kind man who loved simple pleasures, and he took great joy in his family. His marriage to Barbara was profoundly fulfilling until her death in 2006 and he remained a proud and loving father to his daughter Katie, who survives him. He is survived also by his brother Ron and sister-in law Rose, their children Steven, Christopher and Thomas.
Sister-in-law Jacqueline and husband John, their son James, Daughter-in-law Fanny Simenc and children Diego, Monique and Jacqueline.
It was Dennis' wish that, in lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to LifeSpan of Washington, an organization for which he was a longtime advocate. Lifespan created a wonderful future for his daughter Kathleen which included his network of friends that he so loved and admired, and continue to be a source of nurturing for his daughter