Harold A. Smith of Beaverton, OR was 87 years old when he passed on 9/2/2022. He went by the name Hal. He was a chemist and worked as a contamination control engineer most notably at Tektronix and Boeing with the Aerospace sector in Seattle.
He was preceded in death by his brother, Wayne A. Smith, and his oldest son, Doug A. Smith. He is survived by his spouse of 67 years, Patricia F. Smith, Doug's wife (Nolia) Smith, Doug’s children with (Cindy) Smith, Jeremy Smith of Vancouver, WA and Jason Smith and (Nicole) Smith who gave him three great grandchildren Myles, Elliott and Logan of Vancouver, WA., Hal's son Victor L. Smith and (Linda) Smith of Bend, OR, daughter Stephanie Perkins and (Tim) Perkins of Oregon City, OR and their children Brendon Perkins and Bethany Perkins.
Hal had lifelong involvement in and love of soccer as player, coach, referee and spectator. He and wife Pat, square danced which brought travel to many countries. The biggest trip they took was to Antarctica. Hal volunteered at in the Chemistry Lab at OMSI, with the Medical Teams International, Oregon Trout, and Salmon Watch.
There will be no memorial service. In lieu of flowers please make donations to OMSI or Medical Teams International in his name.