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Amanda “Mandy” Laine Marcus (Brent)Daughter

Kadin Michael OhmerGrandson

Aubrey Laine MarcusGranddaughter

Dorothy B. PruynMother

Susan Pruyn Weber (Harrison)Sister

Whitney Weber Flint (Dustin)Niece

Harrison "Chip" Weber IVNephew

Grace Elizabeth, Hannah Claire, and Julia Faith FlintGrandnieces

Patricia Pruyn SchindlerCousin

Thomas EverhartCousin

Michael and Peggy EverhartCousins

David and Eileen EverhartCousins

Thomas R. PruynFather (deceased)

Paul Walter PruynBrother (deceased)

C.S. Ted and Vivian Banta PruynGrandparents (deceased)

Walter R. and Romaine Jobson BabcockGrandparents (deceased)

Beryl Pruyn and Charles M. EverhartAunt and Uncle (deceased)

C.S. Boots and Sarah PruynUncle and Aunt (deceased)

Past Services

Saturday,February 12, 2022


Saturday,February 12, 2022

Funeral Service