James and Ann JohnsonParents (deceased)
Cecile JohnsonWife (deceased)
Mark Johnson (Judy)Son
Angella Pourciau (Marty)Daughter
Meredith MinorGrandchild
Chad Pourciau (Iris)Grandchild
Megan JohnsonGrandchild
Natalie Andrade (Nahin)Grandchild
Sophia, Isabella and Lucas PourciauGreat Grandchildren
Mollie MinorGreat Grandchild
Maverick AndradeGreat Grandchild
Robert and Charles JohnsonBrothers
Linda MorganSister
Lawrence, Marvin, Michael, and Nolan JohnsonBrothers (deceased)
Peggy BordelonSister (deceased)
Martha CourvilleSister (deceased)
Wildon and Helen MayeuxIn-laws (deceased)
Kevin MinorGrandson-in-law (deceased)